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little office (天主教的)小禮拜。

little people

He had a little office in the place , set off in polished cherry and grill - work , where he kept , in a roll - top desk , the rather simple accounts of the place - supplies ordered and needed 在這個酒家,他有一個小辦公室,是用拋光的櫻桃木和花格架隔出的小間。里面有一張翻蓋寫字桌,保存著酒店的簡單賬目,不外乎是已訂購或還需訂購的食物和雜品。

It was as if he stood in the door of his elegant little office , comfortably dressed , talking to sagar morrison about the value of south chicago real estate in which the latter was about to invest 好像他就站在他那個雅致的小辦公室門口,衣冠楚楚的,和薩加莫里森談論著芝加哥南部某處地產的價值,后者正準備在那里投資。

Unfortunately for the smooth progression of this affair , drouet returned . hurstwood was sitting in his imposing little office the next afternoon when he saw drouet enter 第二天下午赫斯渥正坐在他那漂亮的小辦公室里,看見杜洛埃走了進來。

He walked the floor of his little office , and later that of his room , putting one thing and another together to no avail 他在他的小辦公室里踱來踱去,后來又在旅館的房間里踱來踱去,把各種情況都考慮到了,就是一籌莫展。

Then he would lock his own little office and set the proper light burning near the safe , after which he would take his departure 然后,他鎖上自己的小辦公室,開亮保險柜旁的專用燈,這才離開。

After being cooped up in the stuffy little office all day . sharon decided to walk home rather than take the crowded bus 在令人窒息的辦公室悶了一天之后,沙倫決定步行回家,也省得擠公車。

Janet : we ' ll have to get these ones here because they ' re the only ones that will fit in our cramped little office 我們得挑這邊的這一些,因為這些是唯一能擠進我們狹小辦公室的桌子。

He went into the little office and took it from the shelf in the corner 他走進小辦公室,從墻角的架子上取下手提包。

Then he went and unlocked his little office door and turned on the light 然后,他去開了他的小辦公室的門,開亮燈。

Nicole ? so what ? a little office romance never hurts anybody 妮可?是同事又如何?談個辦公室戀愛又不會怎樣。

Roy , it ' s lonely in this little office all by myself 羅伊,我一個人在這間小辦公室里真無聊

He certainly would be willing to surround her with little offices of compromising kindness . 他將愿意用仁慈的讓步對她略加照料。

Each of us is boxed off from the others in his own little office . 我們每人各據一間小小的辦公室,與其他人分隔開。

She was busily engaged in the little offices of the table . 她正在餐桌上忙于做一些小事情。